Admission into the Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) program is assessed through a number of criteria, including suitability for the profession. The Personal Profile is an opportunity for you to describe and explain your suitability for the social work profession.
Personal Profiles will be evaluated with reference to dimensions of social work education that include the following: empathy, critical thinking, self-reflection, person in context, diversity, and effective writing and communication skills.
Please answer the following questions using the following format:
- a maximum of 2000 words
- double spaced
- 1.5-inch margins top and bottom
- headers with student name, student number and page number
- subheadings to differentiate the questions
How do your personal and work experiences shape your suitability to pursue a professional degree in social work?
Choose one of the Truth and Reconciliation’s Calls to Action that relates to the social work field. Offer one concrete strategy to address this Call to Action and justify why you feel that this would be the most effective.
How does “who you are’’ (your social location) impact how you will engage with individuals, groups and communities in your future practice? (Social location includes your gender, socio-economic status, ability/disability, race, religion, ethnicity)